5 советов о pinco вы можете использовать сегодня
5 советов о pinco вы можете использовать сегодня
Blog Article
The player later confirmed that the casino returned his winnings and he managed to withdraw the funds successfully, therefore we marked this complaint as resolved.
We rent all of our games from different providers, which means that you have the same chance to win with us as you have on any other gaming site.
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The player from Germany has deposited money into casino account but the funds seem to be lost. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
В плане техподдержки у букмекера все отлично, сотрудники – вежливые как и стараются легко удручить любую проблему.
The player's verification is delayed for unknown reason. The complaint was resolved as the player got verified.
The player from Germany had faced issues with NineCasino, who had requested a click deposit confirmation with a transaction ID for verification.
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The player from Romania had submitted a withdrawal request less than two weeks before contacting us. Winnings hadn't been obtained up to that day. The player had issues with the withdrawal of 2000 RON, which had been marked as paid but not received.
The player from Brazil had faced issues with withdrawing a large sum from his account with Nine Casino. Despite having been initially verified, the casino had asked for his address once he tried to withdraw a significant amount. After re-verification, his withdrawal attempts had been consistently cancelled 24 hours after approval.
We found some questionable rules or clauses during our review, because of which we consider the Terms and Conditions of PinoCasino to be unfair.
The casino admitted to an error in crediting the incorrect free spins and offered more spins instead of returning the lost 200€. The issue has been resolved successfully.
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After the player had lodged a complaint, we had mediated the communication between the player and the casino. The casino eventually responded, had apologized for the inconvenience and confirmed that a refund had been processed. The player had confirmed receiving the refund, resolving the issue.